After successfully collecting and coding all the data, Socotrans team members Antonia Baumann, Hanna Risku, Regina Rogl, Daniela Schlager and Anna Sourdille sought some peace and quiet in the so-called "Viennese Alps" to delve deeper into the data set of the FWF research project Rethinking Translation Expertise: A Workplace Study (Retrex).
During an analysis retreat in Reichenau an der Rax, Lower Austria, from 12 to 15 April, the research group was also able to gather many new ideas for future publications. On the day off, there was time to relax in the beautiful hotel park and go hiking. Stay tuned for more updates as we turn our abstract ideas into concrete papers!
Project publications to date:
Baumann, Antonia (2024). Exploring ethnographic research as a team: Considerations and challenges. Norway in Translation (NiT). University of Agder. Available at:
Baumann, Antonia; Pasterk, Kerstin; Risku, Hanna; Rogl, Regina; Schlager, Daniela & Sourdille, Anna (2023). But what about the emic perspective? An ethnographic approach to investigating translation expertise. EST Newsletter, November 2023, 6. available at:
Rogl, Regina; Schlager, Daniela & Risku, Hanna (submitted). Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. In: Rogl, Regina; Schlager, Daniela & Risku, Hanna (eds.): Field Research on Translation and Interpreting.
Schlager, Daniela & Risku, Hanna (2023). Contextualising translation expertise: Lived practice and social construction. Translation, Cognition & Behaviour 6 (2), 231-252. available at:
Schlager, Daniela & Risku, Hanna (accepted). What does it take to be a good in-house translator? Constructions of expertise in the workplace. JoSTrans.