Socio-Cognitive Translation Studies: Processes and Networks

Socotrans Research Group

Translators are constantly confronted with new cognitive, social and technological challenges. Accordingly, our research centres on translators in their current work settings, be they organisations, freelance translation networks or non-professional virtual contexts.

In particular, we study the changes that are currently affecting translation work contexts, especially those relating to the increasing heterogeneity of translation tasks and work processes, new forms of cooperation and the rapid technological change. A crucial aspect thereby is our critical reflection on the consequences of these changes with regard to the opportunities for action and decision processes of the people involved.

More information on our Research Group

Current News and Events


Baumann & Schlager: New science-to-profession publication on translators and their willingness to learn


New team member: Manuel Franco succeeds Elisa Permanschlager as student assistant. Elisa is currently working as organisational assistant to Hanna...


Dec. 5-6, 2024, the annual IPCITI conference took place at the University of Manchester


After a stay of one year at the University of Vienna, the Socotrans Team is sorry to see Qi Pan go and wishes her all the best


5-6 December 2024

University of Manchester, UK


28 October 2024

University of Vienna, Vienna

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