Hanna Risku

Risku H, Hable F. Usability von Online-Geoinformationssystemen. In Gold W, editor, Tagungsband des 9. Österreichischen Geodätentags, 3.-5.5.2006, Krems. Wien: ÖGV. 2006. p. 120-128,

Pircher R, Berchtold S, Stadler C, Risku H. Culture, People, Codification – an Empirical Study on Knowledge Transfer in Internationally Expanding Companies. In Hawamdeh S, editor, Knowledge Management: Nurturing Culture, Innovation and Technology: proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Knowledge Management: 27-28 October 2005, North Carolina, USA. New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing. 2005. p. 93-100,

Risku H. Die Rolle von Kooperation und Artefakten im Wissensmanagement: Kognitive Grundlagen und Erfahrungen aus der Praxis. In Neumaier O, Sedmak C, Zichy M, editors, Philosophische Perspektiven: Beiträge zum VII. Internationalen Kongress der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Philosophie. Frankfurt [u.a.]: Ontos Verlag. 2005. p. 345-350

Pircher R, Risku H. Intellectual Capital Reports in Higher Education and Research. In Hawamdeh S, editor, Knowledge Management: Nurturing Culture, Innovation and Technology: proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Knowledge Management: 27-28 October 2005, North Carolina, USA. New Jersey: World Scientific Publishing. 2005. p. 705-706,

Pircher R, Berchtold S, Risku H, Stadler C. Organizational Learning and Knowledge Transfer in Expanding Companies – Findings from an Empirical Study on Austrian Companies Entering Eastern European Markets. In Gherardi S, Nicolini D, editors, The Passion for Learning and Knowing: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Organizational Learning and Knowledge (2 vols.) . Trento: University of Trento e-books. 2005

Pircher R, Risku H. Steuerung von Wissensarbeit durch Wissenscontrolling - Wissensbilanzierung im öffentlichen Bereich. In Schweighofer E, Liebwald D, Augeneder S, Menzel T, editors, IRIS 2005 – Effizienz von e-Lösungen in Staat und Gesellschaft. Stuttgart: Richard Boorberg Verlag. 2005. p. 203-210,

Risku H. Translations- und kognitionswissenschaftliche Paradigmen: Der Mensch im Mittelpunkt. In Zybatow LN, editor, Translationswissenschaft im interdisziplinären Dialog: Innsbrucker Ringvorlesungen zur Translationswissenschaft III . Frankfurt/Main: Peter Lang. 2005. p. 55-70,

Regina Rogl

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Rogl R, Risku H. Cognitive artefacts and boundary objects: On the changing role of tools in translation project management. In Winters M, Deane-Cox S, Böser U, editors, Translation, Interpreting and Technological Change: Innovations in Research, Practice and Training. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2024. p. 13-36. (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation).

Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H. Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. In Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H, editors, Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. 2024

Risku H, Hirvonen M, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Ethnographic Research. In Zanettin F, Rundle C, editors, Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology. London: Routledge. 2022. 21

Risku H, Milosevic J, Rogl R. Responsibility, powerlessness and conflict: An ethnographic case study of boundary management in translation. In Carbonell i Cortés O, Monzó-Nebot E, editors, Translating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power. John Benjamins. 2021

Risku H, Rogl R. Translation and situated, embodied, distributed, embedded and extended cognition. In Jakobsen AL, Alves F, editors, Routledge Handbook of Translation and Cognition. Routledge. 2021. p. 478

Risku H, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Researching workplaces. In Angelone E, Ehrensberger-Dow M, Massey G, editors, The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2020. p. 37-62

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Anna Sourdille

Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 11
Huber M, Sourdille A. Dolmetschen für queere Antragsteller:innen. In Trainingshandbuch für DolmetscherInnen im Asylverfahren. Linz: Trauner. 2025

Sourdille A. „They are like me“: Chancen und Grenzen des Peer-Dolmetschens für queere Geflüchtete. In Iacono K, Heinisch B, Pöllabauer S, editors, Zwischenstationen / Inbetween: Kommunikation mit geflüchteten Menschen / Communicating with Refugees. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2024. p. 149-168

Poellabauer S (Editorial Journalist), Ahamer VS (Editorial Journalist), Casetti S (Editorial Journalist), Hagenlocher L (Editorial Journalist), Haibe D (Editorial Journalist), Sourdille A (Editorial Journalist). Deeqa Haibe: Lehrgang Dolmetschen (Asyl- und Polizeibereich) 2022. doi: o:1535472

Poellabauer S (Editorial Journalist), Ahamer VS (Editorial Journalist), Ayoubi T (Editorial Journalist), Casetti S (Editorial Journalist), Hagenlocher L (Editorial Journalist), Salamat A (Editorial Journalist) et al.. Video: Lehrgang Dolmetschen (Asyl- und Polizeibereich) 2022. doi: o:1536700

Poellabauer S (Editorial Journalist), Ahamer VS (Editorial Journalist), Casetti S (Editorial Journalist), Hagenlocher L (Editorial Journalist), Salamat A (Editorial Journalist), Sourdille A (Editorial Journalist). Abbas Salamat: Lehrgang Dolmetschen (Asyl- und Polizeibereich) 2022. doi: o:1535476

Poellabauer S (Editorial Journalist), Ahamer VS (Editorial Journalist), Casetti S (Editorial Journalist), Hagenlocher L (Editorial Journalist), Krainz K (Editorial Journalist), Sourdille A (Editorial Journalist). Klaus Krainz: Lehrgang Dolmetschen (Asyl- und Polizeibereich) 2022. doi: o:1535478

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Daniela Schlager

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Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H. Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. In Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H, editors, Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. 2024

Risku H, Schlager D. Epistemologies of Translation Expertise: Notions in Research and Praxis. In Marín García Á, Halverson S, editors, Contesting Epistemologies in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2022. p. 11-31. (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies).

Schlager D. Trainslation and other movements: Some words about me and you. In En M, editor, Truths, Trust and Translation: A festschrift, love letter and thank you to Michèle Cooke. Peter Lang. 2020. p. 121-124

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