Hanna Risku
Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 131
Milosevic J, Risku H. Interpreting and Embodied Cognition. In Mellinger C, editor, Routledge Handbook of Interpreting and Cognition. Routledge. 2025
DePalma D, Faes F, Khalifa A-W, Koskinen K, Orrego-Carmona D, Risku H et al. Roundtable: Reflecting on the past, present, and future of the translation industry. In Routledge Handbook of the Translation Industry. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2025
Rogl R, Risku H. Cognitive artefacts and boundary objects: On the changing role of tools in translation project management. In Winters M, Deane-Cox S, Böser U, editors, Translation, Interpreting and Technological Change: Innovations in Research, Practice and Training. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2024. p. 13-36. (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation).
Rogl R, (ed.), Schlager D, (ed.), Risku H, (ed.). Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. 2024.
Risku H. Reflections on individualized and extended translator studies. In Kadric M, Kolb W, Pöllabauer S, editors, Translation als Gestaltung: Beiträge für Klaus Kaindl zur translatorischen Theorie und Praxis. Narr Francke Attempto. 2024. p. 65-74
Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H. Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. In Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H, editors, Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. 2024
Sannholm R, Risku H. Situated Minds and Distributed Systems in Translation: Exploring the Conceptual and Empirical Implications. Target: International Journal of Translation Studies. 2024.
Schlager D, Risku H. What does it take to be a good inhouse translator? Constructions of expertise in the workplace. JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation. 2024;42(42):2. doi: https://www.jostrans.org/article/view/5976/5183
Baumann A, Pasterk K, Risku H, Rogl R, Schlager D, Sourdille A. But what about the emic perspective? An ethnographic approach to investigating translation expertise. EST Newsletter. 2023.
Regina Rogl
Rogl R, Risku H. Cognitive artefacts and boundary objects: On the changing role of tools in translation project management. In Winters M, Deane-Cox S, Böser U, editors, Translation, Interpreting and Technological Change: Innovations in Research, Practice and Training. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2024. p. 13-36. (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation).
Rogl R, (ed.), Schlager D, (ed.), Risku H, (ed.). Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. 2024.
Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H. Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. In Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H, editors, Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. 2024
Rogl R. The rules of the game: on the interplay between normative ideas and technology in an online amateur translation community. The Translator. 2024;30(1):111-128. Epub 2023 Nov 20. doi: 10.1080/13556509.2023.2272760
Baumann A, Pasterk K, Risku H, Rogl R, Schlager D, Sourdille A. But what about the emic perspective? An ethnographic approach to investigating translation expertise. EST Newsletter. 2023.
Risku H, Hirvonen M, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Ethnographic Research. In Zanettin F, Rundle C, editors, Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology. London: Routledge. 2022. 21
Risku H, Rogl R. Praxis and Process Meet Halfway: The Convergence of Sociological and Cognitive Approaches in Translation Studies. Translation & Interpreting: the international journal of translation and interpreting research. 2022;14(2):32-49. doi: 10.12807/ti.114202.2022.a03
Risku H, Milosevic J, Rogl R. Responsibility, powerlessness and conflict: An ethnographic case study of boundary management in translation. In Carbonell i Cortés O, Monzó-Nebot E, editors, Translating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power. John Benjamins. 2021
Risku H, Rogl R. Translation and situated, embodied, distributed, embedded and extended cognition. In Jakobsen AL, Alves F, editors, Routledge Handbook of Translation and Cognition. Routledge. 2021. p. 478
Risku H, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Researching workplaces. In Angelone E, Ehrensberger-Dow M, Massey G, editors, The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2020. p. 37-62
Anna Sourdille
Showing entries 11 - 11 out of 11
Poellabauer S, Bergunde A, Griessner F, Sourdille A, Bahadır Ş, Behr M et al. Übersichtsdarstellung zu Qualifizierungs- und Sensibilisierungsinitiativen im Bereich Dialogdolmetschen in Österreich (2001-2021). 2021 Nov 4. doi: 10.25365/phaidra.297
Showing entries 11 - 11 out of 11
Daniela Schlager
Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 10
Rogl R, (ed.), Schlager D, (ed.), Risku H, (ed.). Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. 2024.
Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H. Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. In Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H, editors, Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. 2024
Schlager D, Risku H. What does it take to be a good inhouse translator? Constructions of expertise in the workplace. JoSTrans: The Journal of Specialised Translation. 2024;42(42):2. doi: https://www.jostrans.org/article/view/5976/5183
Baumann A, Pasterk K, Risku H, Rogl R, Schlager D, Sourdille A. But what about the emic perspective? An ethnographic approach to investigating translation expertise. EST Newsletter. 2023.
Schlager D, Risku H. Contextualising Translation Expertise: Lived Practice and Social Construction. Translation, Cognition & Behavior. 2023;6(2):231–252.
Schlager D. Conference Report: International Conference on Field Research on Translation and Interpreting: Practices, Processes, Networks (FIRE-TI), Vienna. EST Newsletter. 2022;(61):17.
Risku H, Schlager D. Epistemologies of Translation Expertise: Notions in Research and Praxis. In Marín García Á, Halverson S, editors, Contesting Epistemologies in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2022. p. 11-31. (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies).
Kaindl K, (ed.), Kolb W, (ed.), Schlager D, (ed.). Literary Translator Studies. John Benjamins, 2021.
Schlager D. Translators' multipositionality, teloi and goals: The case of Harriet Martineau. In Literary Translator Studies. John Benjamins. 2021
Schlager D. Trainslation and other movements: Some words about me and you. In En M, editor, Truths, Trust and Translation: A festschrift, love letter and thank you to Michèle Cooke. Peter Lang. 2020. p. 121-124
Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 10
Antonia Baumann
Showing entries 1 - 4 out of 4
Baumann A. The pandemic booth: How spatial reconfigurations during the pandemic influence cooperation and communication among conference interpreters. Interpreting and Society. 2023 Sep;3(2):150-168. doi: https://doi.org/10.1177/27523810231178880
Baumann A, Pasterk K, Risku H, Rogl R, Schlager D, Sourdille A. But what about the emic perspective? An ethnographic approach to investigating translation expertise. EST Newsletter. 2023.
Showing entries 1 - 4 out of 4
Kerstin Pasterk
Showing entries 1 - 1 out of 1
Baumann A, Pasterk K, Risku H, Rogl R, Schlager D, Sourdille A. But what about the emic perspective? An ethnographic approach to investigating translation expertise. EST Newsletter. 2023.
Showing entries 1 - 1 out of 1