Hanna Risku

Risku H. Was bedeutet es, ein Translationsprofi zu sein? Drei Antworten aus dem Bereich der Kognitionswissenschaft. In Ahrens B, Černý L, Krein-Kühle M, Schreiber M, editors, Translationswissenschaftliches Kolloquium I - Beiträge zur Übersetzungs- und Dolmetschwissenschaft (Köln/Germersheim): [Publikationen des Fachbereichs Angewandte Sprach- und Kulturwissenschaft der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz in Germersheim 50]. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang. 2009. p. 331-347

Zenk L, Pircher R, Mayr E, Risku H. Management of Situated Learning in Organizations. In Tochtermann K, Maurer H, Kappe F, Haas W, editors, Proceedings of I-KNOW´08 and I-MEDIA´08: International Conferences on Knowledge Management and New Media Technology. Graz: J.UCS. 2008. p. 280-287,

Mayr E, Smuc M, Risku H. Organisational Analysis as Important Factor for Optimization of Workplace Learning. In Hambach S, Martens A, Urban B, editors, eLearning Baltics 2008: Proceedings of the 1st International eLBa Science Conference, Rostock, Germany, June 18-19, 2008. Stuttgart: Fraunhofer IRB. 2008. p. 1-10,

Windhager F, Zenk L, Risku H. Situated Organisational Mapping. In Stegbauer C, editor, Netzwerkanalyse und Netzwerktheorie. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2008. p. 239-249 doi: 10.1007/978-3-531-91107-6_18

Pircher R, Mayr E, Zenk L, Risku H. Strategic E-Learning in the Workplace. In Guralnick D, editor, Proceedings of ICELW – The International Conference on E-Learning in the Workplace 2008. New York, NY. 2008

Pircher R, Zenk L, Risku H. Strategic learning design in organisations. In Kommers P, Isaías P, editors, Proceedings of IADIS. International conference e-Society 2008. Algarve. 2008. p. 125–130

Smuc M, Mayr E, Lammarsch T, Bertone A, Aigner W, Risku H et al. Visualizations at first sight: Do insights require training? . In Holzinger A, editor, HCI and Usability for Education and Work. Heidelberg: Springer. 2008. p. 261-280,

Pircher R, Zenk L, Risku H. Context assessment as a basis for appropriate support of individual and organizational learning. In Memmel M, Ras E, Wolpers M, Van Assche F, editors, 3rd Workshop on Learner-Oriented Knowledge Management & KM-Oriented E-Learning (LOKMOL´07, Kreta): CEUR Workshop Proceedings. 2007

Siebenhandl K, Risku H, Brugger C, Simlinger P. Evaluating the Comprehensibility of Visualized Information for the Trans-European Road Network (TERN). In Proceedings of the 20th International Technical Conference on the Enhanced Safety of Vehicles, June 18-21, 2007, Lyon, France. Lyon. 2007

Regina Rogl

Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 20
Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H. Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. In Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H, editors, Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. John Benjamins. 2025

Rogl R, Risku H. Cognitive artefacts and boundary objects: On the changing role of tools in translation project management. In Winters M, Deane-Cox S, Böser U, editors, Translation, Interpreting and Technological Change: Innovations in Research, Practice and Training. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2024. p. 13-36. (Bloomsbury Advances in Translation).

Risku H, Hirvonen M, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Ethnographic Research. In Zanettin F, Rundle C, editors, Routledge Handbook of Translation and Methodology. London: Routledge. 2022. p. 324-339. 21

Risku H, Milosevic J, Rogl R. Responsibility, powerlessness and conflict: An ethnographic case study of boundary management in translation. In Carbonell i Cortés O, Monzó-Nebot E, editors, Translating Asymmetry – Rewriting Power. John Benjamins. 2021. p. 145-169

Risku H, Rogl R. Translation and situated, embodied, distributed, embedded and extended cognition. In Jakobsen AL, Alves F, editors, Routledge Handbook of Translation and Cognition. Routledge. 2021. p. 478

Risku H, Rogl R, Milosevic J. Researching workplaces. In Angelone E, Ehrensberger-Dow M, Massey G, editors, The Bloomsbury Companion to Language Industry Studies. Bloomsbury Publishing. 2020. p. 37-62

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Anna Sourdille

Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 11
Huber M, Sourdille A. Dolmetschen für queere Antragsteller:innen. In Trainingshandbuch für DolmetscherInnen im Asylverfahren. Linz: Trauner. 2025

Sourdille A. „They are like me“: Chancen und Grenzen des Peer-Dolmetschens für queere Geflüchtete. In Iacono K, Heinisch B, Pöllabauer S, editors, Zwischenstationen / Inbetween: Kommunikation mit geflüchteten Menschen / Communicating with Refugees. Berlin: Frank & Timme. 2024. p. 149-168

Poellabauer S, Ahamer VS, Ayoubi T, Casetti S, Hagenlocher L, Salamat A et al.. Video: Lehrgang Dolmetschen (Asyl- und Polizeibereich) 2022. doi: o:1536700

Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 11

Daniela Schlager

Showing entries 1 - 10 out of 10
Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H. Searching and researching the field of translation and interpreting. In Rogl R, Schlager D, Risku H, editors, Field Research on Translation and Interpreting. John Benjamins. 2025

Risku H, Schlager D. Epistemologies of Translation Expertise: Notions in Research and Praxis. In Marín García Á, Halverson S, editors, Contesting Epistemologies in Cognitive Translation and Interpreting Studies. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis. 2021. p. 11-31. (Routledge Advances in Translation and Interpreting Studies).

Schlager D. Trainslation and other movements: Some words about me and you. In En M, editor, Truths, Trust and Translation: A festschrift, love letter and thank you to Michèle Cooke. Peter Lang. 2020. p. 121-124

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