Prof Hanna Risku named as opponent at viva voce in Turku


Friday 7 October 2022

University of Turku, Turku, Finland

Professor Hanna Risku was appointed as an opponent for Kalle Konttinen's viva at the University of Turku, Finland. Kalle Konttinen is presenting his PhD thesis "From Competence to Self-Efficacy: Measuring Student Progress in Translation Company Simulations" for public examination at the University of Turku on Friday 7 October 2022 at 12.00.

As the opponent in the public examination Hanna Risku attends remotely, whereas the custos Professor Leena Kolehmainen attends on-site at the University of Turku. The event is being held in Finnish. The subject of the dissertation is German language.

Link to the event.

Zoom meeting for the viva voce