Antonia Baumann and Daniela Schlager have recently published an article on translation expertise in Universitas – Fachmagazin für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen, focusing on translators and their willingness to learn as an important element of translation expertise. The openess to learn drives translators to immerse themselves in new subjects, stay up to date with technological advances and continually expand their knowledge base. This is often described as the main personal incentive for working in the translation sector, however this drive to learn is also indispensable for successfully navigating modern translation work and economic success. The article is based on the research project “Rethinking Translation Expertise: A Workplace Study” (Retrex), for which we gathered data through interviews, focus groups and workplace participant observation (in three translation agencies and one translation department in a public institution) to explore the lived expertise of working translation professionals. The full article in German is available here:
Baumann Antonia & Schlager Daniela: „Und dann begeisterst du dich doch dafür – von Übersetzer:Innen und ihrer Lernbereitschaft“. Universitas. Fachmagazin für Dolmetschen und Übersetzen. 2025, 01/25, 21–23.