Guest researcher Heike van Lawick


The socotrans research group is happy to welcome Heike van Lawick (Jaume I University) for a research stay during summer semester 2023!

Heike van Lawick graduated in Catalan Studies and Spanish Literature in the Universitat de València and got her Ph.D. from the Universitat Jaume I. She works at the Department of Translation and Communication, Universitat Jaume I, where she has taught Translation (German-Catalan) and German Language and Culture. In Master’s Degree and Doctorate courses, she has given lectures on phraseology, research in corpus-based Translation Studies, different aspects of creative Translation, as well as various facets of Interpreting. Between 2012 and 2015, she held a professorship in the Department of Translation Studies at the University of Graz.

She does research in Literatures, Contrastive Linguistics, Phraseology, and Descriptive and Corpus-Based Translation Studies, and she is an active translator mainly of literary texts.

She is a member of the Research group Phraseological Translation Units: Corpus-Based Analysis - Covalt, as well as of INSTITUT INTERUNIVERSITARI DE FILOLOGIA VALENCIANA.

Heike van Lawick